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Bishop Mariann Budde did her duty as a Christian. She owes no apology - Los Angeles Times

Published 1 month ago3 minute read

To the editor: Responding to the sermon delivered by Episcopal Bishop of Washington Mariann Budde during the national prayer service, President Trump wrote online, “She and her church owe the public an apology!”

With respect, I would like to ask our president a couple of questions and add a comment.

Did you listen to her whole sermon about the three pillars of unity — respecting the dignity of every human being, telling the truth and living with humility?

Did you hear and feel her heartfelt final words, spoken gently to you? They were a simple, sincere plea for mercy on those who are afraid right now. The Bible encourages “speaking the truth in love,” and that’s exactly what the bishop did.

Most people feel the need to apologize occasionally. You should try it some time. But in this case, as a member of “her church,” I cannot apologize. Your disrespectful comment to her does nothing to help build the unity you claim to want for the country we all love.

John Saville, Corona

The writer is a retired Episcopal priest.


To the editor: As president, Trump can show his strength and power through gracious words of truth.

He could have easily praised Budde for her kind words and compassion for immigrants. Then, he could have reminded us that as president, he must take care of American citizens before immigrants.

As president of the United States, Trump must ensure healthcare, education, jobs and an improved economy for his own people first.

Marcia Barnett, Santa Barbara


To the editor: Budde did not scold the president; she pleaded with him to show mercy to those who are powerless and afraid.

Apparently, this enunciation of basic Christianity was insulting to him and his followers. Many in this country need to decide if they are Christian (followers of the words of Jesus) or “Americans first.”

Thank God for Bishop Budde, who was brave enough to remind those in power that we must see God in our neighbor and act accordingly.

Judy Donais Hulme, Hermosa Beach


To the editor: It takes a woman to speak the truth about Trump’s cruel threats against immigrants and the LGBTQ+ community, and to do so facing him directly.

It takes a woman to have the courage to refuse Trump’s pardon for Jan. 6 rioters because accepting it would be “an insult to the Capitol Police.” The woman from Boise served her sentence.

It takes a woman, the Statue of Liberty, to welcome immigrants in New York. As a woman and immigrant myself who arrived almost 50 years ago in New York with $125 and a suitcase, I saw America as the land of opportunity. I did what most immigrants do — work my way up.

Shame on the rich and power men in business and politics kissing Trump’s ring. Do they really feel threatened by immigrants and LGBTQ+ people?

If you voted for Trump because of the economy, get ready to pay more for groceries and labor. Who do you think picks the produce in the fields in 100-degree heat? Who do you think works long shifts in the slaughterhouses and meat-packing factories?

Erika Blos, Santa Barbara

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